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Health Care

We Expand Access to Affordable Health and Long-Term Care for Low-Income Older Adults

Low-income older adults rely on a number of programs to access health care, long-term care, oral health and other services. The federal, state, and local policies that govern and control access to these programs are complex and can be difficult for both older adults and advocates to navigate. We use our expertise in law, elder rights, and the rules that govern programs like Medicare and Medicaid to advocate at the federal, state, and local level to ensure all older adults can access the programs they need without discrimination. 

Learn about our 2023 Health Policy Priorities & our Policy Priorities to Increase Equitable Access to Home-Based Care. 

Some of our work in health care for older adults intersects with other issue areas. To understand how all the various health and economic security programs work together to help older adults meet their basic needs, read our issue brief and fact sheet. In 2022, we started a new area of work to address the significant challenges older adults face in accessing health care and economic security benefits when reentering our communities after being imprisoned. Explore our reentry work.

Explore the areas of work below to find resources and information. 

Medicare & Medicaid

Expanding, improving, and protecting these critical programs

Long-Term Services and Supports

Preserving & expanding Long-Term Services & Supports.

Image of a couple smiling

Health Equity

Breaking down barriers to ensure equal access to quality health care for older adults who have experienced systemic discrimination

Image of a woman's face


Expanding health care services for the state's large population of low-income older adults

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